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Rathbun-3 71

Richard Rathbun. Descriptions of Parasitic Copepoda belonging to the Genera Pandurus and Chondracanthus (with seven plates).

Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., ix, pp. 310-324,
plates 5-11, 1886

The following species are described and figured, they are all from the collections of the U.S. Fish Commission, and were obtained on or off the southern coast of New England: Pandarus sinuatus Say, parasitic on the sand shark (Carcharias americanus), Atwood's shark (Carcharodon Atwoodi) and the dogfish (Mustelus canis). Pandarus Smithii Rathbun, sp. nov., parasitie on the dusky shark (Carcharinns obscurus) and the sand shark (Odontaspis littoralis). Chondracanthus galeritus Rathbun, sp. nov., parasitic on the common flounder (Para-