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A. E. Verrill. Results of the Explorations made by the steamers Albatross, off the northern coast of the United States, in 1883.

Rept. U.S. Comm. Fish and Fisheries, part XI, for 1883, pp. 503-699, plates 1-44, 1885 (Issued in 1886).

The report is divided into the following topics: "Character of the deep-sea deposits." "List of the stations occupied by the Albatross in 1883." "Fauna of the deep water." "Fauna of the northern waters." Lists of species dredged by the Albatross in 1883, and by the Fish Hank, in 1880-'82. "Fauna of the shallow water near Cape Hatteras." "List of the shallow-water mollusca dredged off Cape Hatterae by the Albatross, in 1883, by Miss K. J. Bush." "Fauna of the surface