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[[left margin]] 1 [[/left margin]]
Left Washington 8:20; left Baltimore 10:00AM; arrived Denver 12:30, lef [[left]] Denver 2:30, Arrived Pine Spring Camp about 10:30AM on March 31.
March 31
Went first to D.-Ranch Headquarters & reported there. Explored Higher and Lower NE of D.R Headquarters found nothing of value. Went back to 728p for [[?]]/ Took 10. The fossiliferous ledge (or lens) forms the top of a bench at the base of the cliff and about 12' above the exposed base of the cliff.

April 1.
Dawned with rain. After lunch went SE from road leading to D-Ranch Headquarters branched off about miles 5 of junction with US 62-180 and followed this for 3 1/4 miles SE. Examined the limestone bands mapped by King but found no silicified fossils anywhere along this stretch in any of the limestones. The ls bands seemed quite Thin and not always continuous. Very disappointing. At end of day revisited 728.
Pictures 2 BW of 728p; 1c of 728p. 
''[Picture] 1 ''[BW]  ''[of] 728, 1c ''[of] 728
2c ''[of] Butterfield
740b- Sponge from Hegler