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to go to for advise more than any one can tell. She says he never had any childhood, he was brought up to care for others and its a wonder he held out as well as he has as everybody always came to him with their trouble. He shouldered every bodies and they were only too ready to have him. I don't know how long he has got to suffer. But hope he will get comfort sometime, for surely he descrives it if any one does. I have been raking up the yard and burning the acorns the are good as kindlings and make a very hot fire. My garden of yonquils is very showy two blossoms on each bulb the daffodils are late most of them are yonquils. They are as pretty as any of the spring flowers. I hope its as sunny down there as it is here today, you are probably riding some where. I don't see any of the Colcords. I don't need any pillow cases or sheets, my stock will hold out to the better end I guess, table linnen I have no use for, a draw full as it is. I rather think Ralph and Maude may turn up before bed time as they sometimes swing around Sunday nights after after they get home from some jaunt. it seems good to see someone it gives one something now to think of. I have been reading most of the time since I washed out clothes this morning. its been a splendid daying day. tomorrow I am going to clean house some if pleasant will this is all there is to tell and I will walk down to the corner box with the letter before bedime Ma.