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much interested in them also. guess they would like just such a trip GeoMcGarreyos wife said she would like to go. there is no fun being out today as theres too cold a wind. but warm sun. I have started to loosen up the ground for my tomatoes. I am  going to have Sky Grant fix the manuring of it, as he did last year, he is a good hand and understands how to plant a garden. I am sending Jidey's pictures I forgot them the reason they never met returned before. did you find the check when you got home or did it come Monday! there is more sun this afternoon and it suns nice here, as I am sitting when I have the full benefit of it writing the letter. Pa is quiet to day and is staying down stairs this afternoon as its cool away from the kitchen fire. there is not much more to think of to write about so I will for to day. hope you are getting rested from your journey. Ma.