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Stoughton April 7th 1938
Dear Dous
The frogs are peeping + the robins are getting to their old haunts now I am sure that spring is with us once more. I hope you arrivedsafe after your brief holiday. Tired out with your long jounrey. We are all the same as usual no better + no worse. I am uncovering my bulbs + raking away leaves every day + getting things to look better out side its warm to day to work out side. yesterday the wind flew the leaves down street as soon as I could get them raked up so it encouraged me to keep at it in spite of everything. it is clouding up this afternoon for another storm. but hope it wont be like the last one. accompanied with such disasterous result. I am braiding a rug for my spring fancy work. I will send along the little ones summer dresses I finished last week in another week. To day I am sending along Side check that was returned by the Masonic Casualty Co as they were unable to collect it. I gave them the three dollars + Campbell sent down his personal check so dont worry about that.