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[[Scoughton]] March 15th 1933

Dear Doris

Still rainy but once a while it acts as though it was going to clear up & there is a light streak in the west so I guess the rain is about over & then will come the blow & cold again. 
I have just had my nap & feel rested up. My head has been light for a day or two, but guess it is from the state of my stomac. As I am apt to be [[bibious]] when I am shut in during the winter months, nothing unusual. Rhubarb & [[?]] will correct it generally. 
The snow clings to the door yards & side of the highways not enough of warm sun to melt it so far. The last of the month may warm us up. It is still raining hard. This was the clearing up shower. All coming up fair & the sun shining out at last. Now for the March gail. 
I am busy sewing this afternoon on the little [[mistin]] dress. The colors are very pretty & will suit the complection fine. It is nice to have some pick up work that is light, to take up & and not feel hurried over finishing. I have a book still to read

Transcription Notes:
I capitalized the start of some sentences even though they were not capitalized in the letter (for readability).