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his wife had not been dead but a very short time. I have just turned on some heat, for the day is chilly, our snow has gone some with the rain. the wind is chilly yet, so I think a little heat in the room is needed. Pa sits on the radiator in the dining room & when it gets too hot for him to sit there. then he makes a fuss to have it turned off. regardless of the temperature of the room. 

Pa is clamoring for me to shut of steam he is getting scart too hot, there is not much comfort when he is worried. you say that the baby you cant see where she takes her talking from. Arthurs mother was an inveterate talker. she thought aloud-. get her excited & then her tongue run like a trip hammer. I guess its natural. the Talbots were no talkers. they were of very few words. but what the said meant something. well there is not much more to write about. I hope you got the babies pictures back safe. Ma