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I have been down & got back safe & now I am all fixed for this time & got two books for over Sunday to read Pa lived through the ordeal & seem quiet. first it snows & then it rains a bit, but it is warm & the snow is melting & it is very sloshy rather tiresome walking. today is a real February day. I was glad to be out & seeing people to talk with once more. the snow has all gone from the trees. & it is melting on the roads the gutters are flooded, so it is almost impossible to get back if you once get off the sidewalks. While we were eating supper that boy came over to pay Drakes rent, he is a hateful boy just like his mother Eliason. I like the other two girls. their mother was agreable [[agreeable]] but the oldest one is just like old Drake. she hardly ever treats me decent when I meet her. it is snowing hard & bids fair to keep it up through the night. I hope it will snow out the first part of the month & have done with it. Pa is watching out for his paper. Ma