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Stoughton February 27th 1933

Dear Doris

It is pleasant though windy today & the snow so much of it makes the atmosphere rather cold but if the wind would go down as I think it may to night it will be much warmer & the paths would not fill in. this sun will lower the snow & it has all ready to some extent. I hope March will seem more spring like.

Pa is quiet today to what he was yesterday. sunny days he is usually. To day the tomato seeds have been planted & sit back of the store to sprout. the dirt in boxes has been ready to put them into for a good while. now they have been planted I hope to see them come to something. I suppose it is rather early but they wont have the advantage they would have in a hot house but come along much more slowly. I gave Ralph some seeds last year to plant after I planted mine. but he never did anything with them. he does not care to see such things grow as I do &+ Maude is the same, they are both for the easy life. they like to ride like every body else. I shall be glad to hear you have given up your jumpy car & guess you will be