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the storm through which it was carried that morning in Alice's open bag. but Mr. Bing said he would put on the blotter & make it all right. he thought it a bad storm for an old one like me to be out in. but it was a case of necessity. 

The post man has just left your bundle you sent Friday & I have found the handkerchiefs they are my valentine & birthday presents & very pretty & gay. The cloth is also satisfactory. I shall be able to put it together now & finish up my quilt when I feel in the mood again.

The sun feels warm on my shoulder as I am writing the letter. There is nothing more to tell you. I shall get my supper started now. I am going to have stewed tomato for a change. Pa is quite decent to day. but soon he will begin to grow restless towards night he had a good nap after dinner.   Ma

Thanks for the package. The little hankies were nice. I am going to carry this down to the corner box for a breath of fresh air.