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Stoughton Feb 10th 1933

Dear Doris

I have just got my letter written to Lena + now I will start yours. your box came this noon + Pa has been eating some. we also got a box of maple sugar creamed as Lena fixes it that also came to day + I guess he will have enough sweets now for a while.

This morning the thermometer was near the 0 mark + it does not grow warm very fast I have just turned on the heat in the house as it seems cool even sitting here in the sun writing

I called up Mort on the phone last night he seemed pleased at the letter you wrote + your talking with them down there. he said you would be a good one to interview them. for what you said would be sensible + in good language. he seemed pleased to be called up. I suppose they are two lonesome old people who are sort of alone + no one to take an interest in them but all the time I am talking on the phone Pa stands beside me telling me to stop + keeps nudging me to