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Stoughton Feb 7th 1933

Dear Doris,

The temperature has changed very much since yesterday. the south wind has taken most of the snow from the ground & this afternoon the sun shines clear & bright over everything. I have my washing out on the line & it is nearly dry. later on I will go out to split up some kindling & sift ashes as for the last few days the weather has been too cold for anyone to venture out side.

I dont want any woolen yarn I am trying to git rid of this much, before the moths destroy it. I like to knit. and have fully enjoyed doing these two sweaters. & hope they will be of use to her, for some time & keep her warm. 

I saw a little girl with a fancy cap, the other day made of cloth & chinchilla fur. it was cut in [[image]] this shape forming four pieces with chinchilla pieces at the side & sewed together, the lining would fit the childs head. I thought it looked cute & simple. but don't know as you could make one. I should think she would have dresses enough by this time. Mrs Cutting is good to look out for that. very different from Mrs Frost.

Transcription Notes:
The nanny's name is Mrs. Cutting, not Gutting