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Stoughton  February 6th 1933

Dear Doris,

We are having a spell of zero weather although since morning it has warmed up a bit. Pa has just come down stairs where he went in disgust because I had turned on the heat to warm up the house a bit. He found it turned off so was satisfied. I wanted to keep the house around sixty if possible. He would rather freeze. There are not many who could stand even 60° but with the sun I dont suffer. I think as a rule there are many who get used to too warm a temperature & are made tender there in. I am using up the last of my russet apples by making mince meat. Pa never eats mince pies, but I like them for a change. They never hurt me, for I always eat them with dinner. I am still knitting the sweater, when I am not reading library books. Early in the evening just as I was dozing off for the night the fire alarm sounded 54 some where up our way. Pa came in & looked out my window but could not see any thing & went back to bed the wind had gone down. I haven't heard where it was yet I did not sleep well at all all night. The wind blew the first of the night & I had been in doors all day. A walk in the fresh