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the thermometer is steadily dropping & means a cold night. this month will go out cold. Something has told me to go look out of the front door & opened the door & found the bundle of stockins [[stockings]] there on the door sill. he must have left it & we did not hear his ring. I'm glad I did think to open the door. they will go all right for some time. you should have worn them longer. I am trying to think what to get for supper. I have got my tomato on warming I canned a lot & now they come in very handy these cold nights for supper. Pa still eats the blueberries. there are some down cellar that I put up ages ago. those I am trying to use up. they are not quite up to last years in flavor. but I men [[mean]] to get rid of them first. they kept all right so far. I wish you had some of mine. for yours must be most gone by now. she eats them the same as ever I suppose. you must pitch into get your share before they are all gone. supper before dark now.