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Stoughton January 20th 1933

Dear Doris

It cleared in the night, it is sunny & the wind is west * blows. I have been busy cooking & cleaning up stairs & down, I am thinking it's to cold to go off down town so will wait for a warmer time theres [[there's]] no hurry, tomorrow may be warmer, the wind will dry the mud.

Harris has just been here to shave Pa he is quiet to day & reading his paper. Talbot may come up we have not seen any one for a good while they have all forsaken us.

Jack sent up to borrow the cross cut saw the other day & Pa said to me, tell him to keep it. I never want to use it any more. but some of of our family will, I guess not its [[it's]] going to stay here. & all the rest of the things.

Pa is at loss what to do with himself time drags from three 'till he goes to bed his paper he has to look forward to so today the Stoughton paper comes & guess that he reads pretty thourily [[thoroughly]]. & towards night when his head gets tired he can't remember much of anything. but sleeps well night & wants to go to bed around six o'clock. then I put the stone in bed