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lambs he said he did. & I told him that I could vouch for that & futhermore [[furthermore]] it was a correct likeness of her taken at that time. & that the face showed intelligence & it would be more fitting to her work she accomplished, than any picture. I had seen that they called her. & it ought to be in the Mother Church. he said. I will mention it to them. he seemed anxious to get all he could about Crafts, where he was born, who he married. I asked him if he was working for them. he said yes he was, a very nice appearing person. nothing aggressive about him & intelligent. I dare say they are getting up another book. I told him that first book written up by Libil Wilbur was a terrible failure, a very poorly written book I thought. it seemed to have a tendency to bolster up her character. & the pictures in it taken for her, did not look a particle like her in any feature. I did not get the least might excited he was so nice & calm. Pa was not excited he tried to find out what was said. but could not hear. I have just been to supper we had oyster stew it tasted good to us both. I hope you are better & no one else takes it from you. stay home and rest up, let the work slide & look out for yourself. I am not going to have grip but I keep away from the ones who are having it its [[it's]] the best way to do. Ma