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Stoughton January 9th 1933

Dear Doris.

To day is as mean a day as one every saw, after I got breakfast & dishes cleaned away, it begun to snow we had the ground with 1/2 an inch or more of snow & turned into a rain, which took away the snow & its still raining dark & dismal after yesterdays fair sunny day.

If it clears now with the ground bare the going will be all right. I am afraid when the snow comes of the ice, as I dont get out after enough to get used to slippery going. I have washed out Pa's under clothes, & they have had to day in the house, yesterday would have been a much better day to have got things dry out side. I am always sorry if I dont take advantage of good weather to do my washing in the winter time I had a long letter from Lena & mean to answer it the last of the week. she had a lot of presents for Xmas we dont hear anything lately about the moving so presume she must get along better with the room mate & will be content to stay where she is she would not be happy long living with