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Transcription: [00:26:17]
--they're people that we want to work with and who agree with our aims and what we're working for. And we have to reach the point where we deny that anyone who comes in to work with us can somehow subvert what we are doing because they are of a different persuasion than we are.

What we simply have to face is that if we put all our cards on the table and that we discuss openly what it is that we're about, then I don't see how it is that these people can somehow subvert what we are doing.


I think that we have to, as an organization, come to the point where in policy and in public we take an absolute stand on the right of people to associate with whom they please.


Miss Baker won't mind if I use her name again, but she made a decision herself a while ago to work with the Southern Conference Educational Fund.

And I never talked at length with her about her decision, but I had in mind that probably- somewhat was in the back of her mind was that this was the next frontier, or the one that needed to be moved to now.

And certainly what we have to come to grips with is whether or not we're going to as an organization—- [00:28:23]