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Transcription: [00:09:23]
{SPEAKER name="Norman Thomas"}

One of the things that I admire more than I could tell you

about the march on Washington, was the extraordinary expression it seemed to give,

of a united demand of the negro people supported by many of their white friends.

It lifted me up on a plain that I don't think I was ever on,

but I can't say that I've always stayed on it.

But this was the work of a cooperative group which makes me believe that you can workout cooperation.

Meanwhile, which methods I prefer,

are not properly the subject of this discussion and this program where I was invited to talk about, particularly about one thing.

[[background voice 1]]
Let's have a couple more questions.

[[background voice 1]]
We have about three minutes. Three or four minutes.

That's now it. Mr. Thomas we thank you for coming.

{SPEAKER name="Norman Thomas"}
Well I thank you for the chance [[clapping]]

{SPEAKER name="Norman Thomas"}
I would like to say,


{SPEAKER name="Norman Thomas"}
I want to pronounce [[inaudible]]


{SPEAKER name="Norman Thomas"}
This is a chapel and I want to pronounce a kind of benediction at least I want us to have a definite last word.

I'm enthusiastic for questions. I like to be questioned by people who don't agree with me.

It educates me and I hope it educates them.

But, but, I want you to know that I came for one purpose,

to express my admiration towards SNCC, my hope is for its future

and my thoughts on what I was asked particularly to talk about

which is the fundamental question of employment, which underlies even housing and the rest. Thank you very much.

We appreciate that and feel that any other questions are not necessarily relevant

and as I expressed to you, this is sort of, this is an open meeting

and people are coming in and raising various questions.

Thank you very much. Alright, 3:30.

