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Stoughton July 25th 1933

Dear Doris

Yesterday was a terrible hot day here clear up to midnight. then a shower crept up & lasted an hour or more with a good rain afterward & cooled us off with a NW wind it is rainy some today which is also good for vegetation. we are not sweating but another sudden change in temperature. I slept some after the shower towards morning & have had some naps through the day. There is not much going on in the neighborhood to day. every one inside no sun to bake my leg in even. I have just used up the last of my Sodex little jars & to night will begin on the big jar you sent last week. I am faithfully rubbing it into my leg. nights more than days I am using that trial bottle of olive oil & wintergreen the druggist sent it is strong & soaks in and burns my leg. I suppose its the wintergreen taking affect & starting up the circulation. I think my tongue is clearing some, but I am not very craving for food but try to eat nourishing things. Pa did not undress at all during the night so he did not come in during the shower for that reason probably. he is stubborn as a mule & hard to make understand, but saves me some steps just the same. he is growing thin & pale as well as my self. I hope to get out of such a condition