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Stoughton July 18th 1988

Dear Doris.

Cloudy weather prevails & cool days the temperature is also about the same.

I am sleeping much better nights & get two or more naps through the day time usually. Anny Lamb called up yesterday she had not heard I was a cripple & suffering torments unaccountable & she said Mort was head & heels preparing his exhibition which he intends to have come off in a very few days now the Harringtons were down there the other might & I presume they came here also but we go off up stairs around nine. Anna said she was suffering with her stomas, but would surely come up to see me the first of the week if possible. she seemed very much surprised & sorry for my condition. Mrs Gilzer comes over faithfully every night & offers all the assistance that lays on her power. she seems to have decided on the Durbeck place & they may move away before we realize it. 

Transcription Notes:
Edited: its & for 'and' not + which means plus, changes and corrections