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much suprised to find me in such shape & wanted to help do something for us but I said we were managing the two of us. she looks bad & said it was last week she was sick she had a woman come in once a week to help them out but could hardly afford it but they thought it was policy. They drove up to Worcester last week they found them all sick Addie his heart Richard the best of the bunch & Henry abed with something the matter this time. very low does not see people & too low for an operation inflimation of the kidneys. he is liable to go any time as he is in his eighties & very near ninety. Henry Jones age. we are all of us on the direct road to a different world of habitation & I dont want to be the last horse to win the race. life loses its flavor when the pain is too intense. Last night I slept some with the help of those tablets my mouth was so dry in the morning. I could not spit and made me gag. I hope you are not borrowing trouble things will turn out all right in the end. Mrs Gilzer has offered to do my errands & wants me to let her know if theres any thing she can do at any time & not stay here & suffer for want of help from her. she got me some oranges at Kennedys today they were beautifully sweet she goes over to Mrs Rings every day also. a very nice woman she cheers one up the little boy offered to water any plants for me. but I told him I thought it would rain. Pa is on his blue streak worse than ever today no paper to look forward to read tonight its an awful sudden change a fire feels good the wind is east & no clothes dry good damp & cold do you wonder people are sick

Transcription Notes:
Edited: its & for 'and' not + which means plus, its Gilzer