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he is an old beggar & there is no way of getting rid of him if you once give him anything. I stood firm this year & told him there was nothing as I gave him enough last year. the horse blanket, all those old harnesses & hay up in the loft. besides the grass. & yet the old devil wanted some more this time. George says he is ignorant & tricky & the more one does for the old fool the more he expects, theres no comfort in giving to such people & I am through with him. 
I have been thinking since your letter came about the painting of the house. that the old place Louie only painted one side of the blinds & over here they were painted on both sides. which certainly made considerable difference in their expense. & the green paint was a higher priced paint, but he said it would stand longer, in the end it paid. the fancy trimmings were more fussy the doors around those little squares of glass it was fussy work. the house had none of those green trimmings, just the two colors. The old robin is feeding her three babies I dont know how many more she has got. I would like to get a ladder & see if she hatched all those eggs out. pouring hard Pa has just come down & eaten a good supper & gone back upstairs there is no paper tonight for him to read he will probably curl up under his blanket & sleep & nights he is quiet all night & gets in good sleep. I have worried over the grass so there has been but little sleep. but now thats off my mind. little things I get to thinking keep me on my nerve & I cant get to sleep it seems foolish but so it is. Ma

Transcription Notes:
Edited: its & for 'and' not + which means plus, changes and corrections,