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Stoughton June 9th, 1933

Dear Doris, 

Another sunny hot day but more air than there was yesterday. I have the blinds closed in the bay window to keep the room as cool as possible. Louie came & painted the bulk head & the drains around the house last night after work & there not much else to do. I am in hopes we get a shower tonight to wet down & cool us off. as we need both. I am afraid gardens will suffer if we dont get rain soon. Pa suffered with the heat enough so he was willing to take a bath before going to bed last night. Mrs Gilzer is worried to death over her boy he has'nt an ounce of flesh on him & nervous as he can be. she is killing him with kindness, a little christian science would be a good thing for him. she is giving him goats milk now. I proposed buttermilk. she gives him oil baths. I doubt if she raised him. he is a darn hateful young one. not the kind that I would think would die young by any means. I told her not to worry if he was to die he would we never die untill our time comes. I lost mine but they were too good for this world they had goodness all though

Transcription Notes:
Some unclear words Edited: filled in blanks, its & for 'and' not + which means plus, changes and corrections,