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she is bearing up under the shock of her husbands sudden death & I told her it was to be preferred to Pa's lingering mind disease. Where one passes out with all their faculties was to be envied & one could remember as the were naturally. she had me leave my letter with her for Evelyn to carry down in the morning. She is lucky to have such a good girl as Evelyn to care for her & she thinks so too. I dont want it to rain now untill the painting is through Robbie has sent up my beans & fertilizer & my beans are going to be put to soak. they come up quicker then theres no hurry about the tomatoes the nights are cold yet & they are tender. I have not bought them yet as the first ones are generally pretty high. I am glad the baby has pets to play with Taddie & the old hens & the little red rooster are good company she will be all right when she goes to school. but wish she had a child nearer her own age. Ma.

Transcription Notes:
Edited: its & for 'and' not + which means plus, changes and corrections,