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Stoughton May 3rd 1938

Dear Doris.

We are having cloudy mornings & sun in the afternoons. its warm & the trees are putting fourth [[forth]] leaves fast even the oaks are starting. I went down to give Alice the book I had read & got hers she had finished. it seems Myrtie is in Norwood nursing. Alice does not go out on account of her sinos [[sinus]] trouble. she is afraid of its coming back again. I wonder what causes it. it is very painful I dont [[don't]] seem to know any thing about it. I got the keys to the old place Percy has nailed down the window now & I guess it wont bother any more. I have just been over to drive off the boys who are using the field back of the old place to play ball on as the grass is starting up their tramping over it is doing harm & besides they have asked no ones permission to using it so I told them the old woman his grandmother objected to other people stepping on their property. I suppose he was put out, but none of the Drakes wanted them there. the girls said so over here the other night. its [[it's]] time to nip things in the bud before they get to be an established fact. I suppose its hateful in me to spoil their fun but darn if I am going to stand for it that has never been used for such purposes & they are not to begin           

Transcription Notes:
Corrected "Mystic" to "Myrtie"