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suppose it excites him the reason. Drake girl came over to pay the rent & took out the five dollars for whitening the ceilings & wanted me to come over to see how well it looked they are doing the painting them selves & guess papering. I like the two girls Doris & Pearl but the other one is like old Mandrake. they are going to have a garden. the boys use the land back of their house for a ball field but the dont like to have them. it is Jason [[Mils?]] grand son & Winnie Trollops boy who play there & Jasons widow wont let the neighbor step on her land. she puts up signs for them to keep off. I felt bad [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] after going down to dun Bruce as he seemed so blue & she was seeing life also in its worst form. it must be dreadful for lots of people who are without work & have families. & I am afraid we have not seen the worst of it either. I am afraid of whats coming another winter. there is no use to borrow trouble though. Pa likes my preserves they are not so sweet so but what they would be good for him. he is fond of sweets & craves it. my rice pudding he likes. there is nothing to make pies of except custard & I have only a pint of milk a day. so I make puddings out of evaporated milk. but strait milk I prefer for custard well this will be all. Ma