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Stoughton Nov 22nd 1933

Dear Doris

It is 64(degree) out here on our sleeping porch after a rainy night & cloudy forenoon heat seems superfluous so we are going to do without. the weather will change soon enough but we can enjoy it as it is while we may. It is just the time for a spin around town if one only had a car. most of my time I write letters (+) read these if there's any mending & do it (+) my nerves get the best of me so I have to rest up a bit until they right themselves. so on the whole I go slow. Pa is very quite today (+) we heard nothing from him all night. but cold days he comes down fugurntly to get warm. I wish she was more used to going out of doors. she stays right here (+) digs. tomorrow is the afternoon she takes to visit her homefolks. she is always busy. every afternoon she washes (+) changes her dress. then when she comes down we have tea. We are very quite (+) its best so I am always glad to get letters. I am very anxious to hear from Alice & have an idea they may be married by the last of the month. But has told them he will marry them