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back onto Porter street. poor Jim he is naturally absentminded & they get out of patience with him. but they told me they could not replace him, he is called on to do everything & always so good natured. he asked me yesterday if there was any where I wanted to go. Saturday they told him to go up on Park Street to Dr Brides mothers & let me go around there for the ride with him. but he took me home instead & they blamed him. but I said it was cold. so did not mind as my dinner was ready when I reached home. There was a very cunning little six months old baby in there yesterday. it was two lbs over normal in weight. they had to bring her in for me to see Miss O'Brine loves babies & she knows that I do also. the Dr is very fond of them also. we all were in love with her she was so cute. Mrs Osborn & I have had our tea & she has gone out to see the town for a little walk. the stores close Tuesday afternoon but she will see the town & it will give her a little outing. Its very queer you dont get my letters I write each day & get yours. the chrysanthemums got a touch of the frosty weather. she brings them in as she likes a boquet [[bouquet]] in the house & even has them on her bureau. too bad that killing frost came as since then the weather is so mild. I will let you know we turned the water out of the boiler this morning it was not so very rusty either just a pil full. the kitchen is much warmer for having it. Pa is on his job turning off the heat in the morning sooner than he should. Ma.