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Stoughton Oct 24th 1933

Dear Doris

It rained all the afternoon & poured all night. Louie Dykeman came & painted the porch & screens in the fore noon one coat & got throug before it began. but during the night the wind got into the west & it cleared so its windy & pleasant to day. 

Mrs Osborns children came to see her night before last so I was in the sitting room & stayed up but got pretty tired last night I went to bed very early & slept well through the early part of the night & made up my sleep.

I have just made a bread pudding for our dinner & we are to have the remains of our lamb in a stew for dinner also. my dinner tastes pretty good to me & all the rest of my meals do for that matter. its those drops that I take that makes me so hungry so he says.

The letter will be late as he did not come around yesterday so we did not get any mail from you or take my letters. I forgot to put on the stamp the day before & now there are two letters & a post card waiting