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Stoughton Aug 20th 1933

Dear Doris 
After a very muggy day today the wind has gone into the east & a fire seems comfortable. I was glad it rained through the night but it needs a lot more to soak into the dry caked soil in order to make any impression. Lena is asleep here in the bay window she has been hard at it ever since she came here. yesterday she & Percy gathered the pear tree she has picked up apples & mad [[made]] sauce & pies for Pa's benefit & worked like mad ever since she struck here. she waits on us all gives me two baths a day & plays nurse to perfection she is apparently enjoying her stay & I certainly hope she dont get used up. I was just used up when she struck us & guess she came in the nick of time as she shoulders all the care which I was incapable of doing any longer. My leg is painful but his treatment I think strenghtens [[strengthens]] the muscles & gives me the use of my toes & I am better they can see. he says it was being in that depressed atmosphere