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Houghton August 17th 1933
Dear Doris
Its after 5 O'clock + I must start my letter if its going to be written to day. We have just woke up Lena in the bay window + I on the couch. I kept still for her to sleep. although I was aching she was tired + had a good nap she has been very active since she came + waits on me too much. Pa likes to have her here + likes being fed up I was not able to get food enough to keep us going every thing I did was such a great task. she came in the nick of time + relieved me now I dont wait on my self Lane is awful good to us both + I hope she wont wear her self out she gets up in the middle of the night to rub my leg. I had the best night I ever have had last night + only woke once + found her in rubbing me she heard me I was half awake + half asleep + after she got my bed clothes unsnarled + me rubbed down I went off to sleep + woke up after it was sip my first decent nights sleep + you better believe I could