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[[left margin]] Lieut Stuart Eldridge.
C.O. 64th USCI.
Lieut B.W. Clarke 
C.O. 63rd USCI 
Brvt Brig Genl W.S. McMillan
[[/left margin]]
Office Asst Com'r. Freedmen's Bureau
Vicksburg Miss June 21st 1865.
Special Orders
No 1
II. Lieut Stuart Eldridge 64th U S C I. is hereby relieved from duty as Provost Marshal of Freedmen for District of Vicksburg, and assigned to duty Acting: Assistant: Adjutant: General, at these Head Quarters.
III. Lieut B.W, Clarke 63rd U S C I. will proceed to Meridian Miss. and take charge of the affairs of Refugees and Freedmen, at that point as per written instructions from this office. We will report to Brvt Brig Genl McMillon,  Commanding Sub Dist No 4. 
Saml Thomas
Asst Comr. Freedmen's Bureau
State of Mississippi.

[[left margin]]Chaplain J.A. Howley. [[/left margin]]
Office Asst Com'r Freedmens Bureau
Vicksburg. Miss June 22d 1865
Special Orders 
No 2.
Chaplain J/ A. Howley, on duty at these Head Quarters, will proceed to Grenada, Oxford, and Holly Springs, Miss. to enquire into the condition of Freedmen and for other purposes as laid down in letter of instructions furnished him. 
By order
Saml Thomas
Asst Comr Freedmens Bureau Miss
Stuart Eldridge
Lieut. Act.Asst.Adjt.Gen'l.

[[left margin]] Lieut B.K. Johnston
C.O. 63rd USCI. /[[left margin]]
Office Asst Comr Freedmens Bureau
Vicksburg Miss. June 26th 1865
Special Orders
No. 3
II. Lieut. Ben. K. Johnston, 63rd USCI
 is hereby assigned to duty as Qrs Mas of Freedmen at Grenada Miss. He will be governed in his activies by orders and instructions from this office. 
[[left margin]] Capt J.H. Weber.
C.O. 64th USCI.
Hd Qrs Dist Miss. [[/left margin]]
II Capt J.H. Weber is authorized to act as Asst  Commissioner of the Freedmen's Bureau at Jackson Miss and sign official papers by order of the Asst Commissioner for the State of Mississippi.  He will forward copies of all such papers to this office as soon after exertion as possible. 
By Order
Saml Thomas
Asst Commissioner Freedmens Bureau. Miss.
Stuart Eldridge
Lieut. and Act.Asst.Adjt.Genl.

[[left margin]]S.E.Weaver
C.O. 28th Iowa Infty. [[/left margin]]
Office Asst Comr Freedmens Bureau State of Miss.
Vicksburg Miss. June 27th 1865.
Special Orders
No 4.
Private S.E. Weaver 28th Iowa Infantry, is hereby relieved from duty in Freedmen's Bureau. and will report without delay to the Commanding Officer of his regiment for muster out of service.
By order
Saml Thomas
Asst Commissioner Freedmens Bureau MISS
Stuart Eldridge
Lieut. and AAA Genl

[[left margin]] Printed. [[/left margin]]
Office Asst Comr. Freedmen's Bureau.
Vicksburg Miss July 5th 1865
Special Orders.
II Lieut Col R.S. Donaldson. 64th USCI. is authorized to act as Asst Commissioner Freedmen's Bureau and to sign official papers by order of the Asst Comr. State of Mississippi.
II Lieut Col R.S. Donaldson Act Asst Comr Freedmen's Bureau will at once proceed to Jackson Miss. and take charge of all business connected with the Bureau at that point. He will as soon as practicable visit Meridian and other points on the Mobile and Ohio

Transcription Notes:
writer makes Roman numerals with double vertical lines