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CT ES   March 19, 1931

Dear Maurice,

As per the conversation I had with you in Palm Beach, we are herewith enclosing you photographs of a group of things that I think might interest some of your clients.

As we are not in the habit of giving out photographs of our important pieces and are only doing this as a personal favor to you, we would ask you to show these only to clients and under no conditions give them out to other dealers. You will find on the back of each photograph a full description of the respective items, but I am also herewith giving you a few extra talking points which might help you in placing some of these tings:

4723 - A very fine Flemish painting on a wood panel by Joos VAN CLEEF   VAN CLEEF came to France, during the time of Francois I, and being of a very impressionable nature, he rapidly came under the influence of the prevailing French School. Some years later he went to Italy and likewise there, became strongly influenced by the Italians, of which this picture is a very striking example. It is very brilliant in color and in perfect condition, and the Madonna's face strongly reminds one of a LUINI portrait.
Price -------------------- $25,000.

4865 (A & B) - A pair of very fine Dutch paintings of the 17th century by VAN DER HELST. This painter was a contemporary of Frans HALS, and we have a very fine certificate from Dr. Valentiner regarding these two portraits. They would make a remarkable pair of pictures for a dining room, and would easily go in a Spanish room.
Price for the pair -------------- $22,000.

4848 - A very fine portrait of the English 18th Century School by ROMNEY. "Portrait of Richard Cumberland, the Dramatist." This picture is very brilliant in color and one of the strongest men's portraits ever painted by ROMNEY, probably because he was his most intimate friend. This picture is particularly interesting, as it is recorded that he painted him in this pose at the suggestion of David Gerrick, the great actor. As you see, it has been exhibited in two very important exhibitions, and it is fully recorded.
Price -------------------- $25,000.