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.... very dear to me.

After all these efforts had failed, as well as the independent ones you had made, you finally asked me imploringly whether I couldn't make a suggestion. My reply was that as a private man I didn't, unfortunately, have the means to help you, but as a business man, I could only do that on terms which would be very detrimental to you. 

Your reply was that as long as you had been unable to obtain any sort of grant from anyone, a bad proposition was better than none and begged of me to state the terms under which I could do something

You accepted then, that proposition, and I added that I would be willing to pledge myself from now and until December 15th. of this year, but that you, on the other hand, could at any time change your mind and accept any other proposition that would be more favorable, and I went so far as to add that I had no objection to your trying to deal with other firms in order to get better terms.

I had then reached in my mind the appeasement that I wanted and which was primarily to help a man, and on the other hand, to have engaged my firm in a deal which, though it might have had no immediate return, had, I felt, no risk over a period of years .

You will recall also that i told you it was my hope that the purchase I was making thus outright and in which you were keeping an interest, would allow you to export also a certain number of items which would belong to you and in which my firm would have no interest.

Your letter of the 11th, received yesterday, and which came a week after we had closed the conversations, distorts the whole aspect of my proposition and turns down my suggestions, and the letter you have sent - and of which you sent me a copy - to one of the greatest men in our community, the terms of which are insulting,bring to a definite close our relationship. You will understand that i cannot allow anyone to distort willfully the reasons of pure sentiment which prompted me to act as I did. 

Yours truly,
Hans Feist, Reg.,
Ambassador Hotel,
51st. St. & Park Ave.
New York, New York.                         (Germain Seligmann)