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The Fifth Avenue Association INC.
358 Fifth Avenue . . New York
John H. Towne, Chairman of the Board
Michael Friedsam, President
Douglas L. Elliman, Vice-President
Harris A. Dunn, Treasurer
Ancell H. Ball, Vice-President
William J. Pedrick, Vice-Pres. & Gen. Mgr.
Thomas W. Hughes, Secretary

[[left column]]
[[handwritten capital F written above left column]]
Robert Adamson.......Chairman of the Board.National American Bank of N.Y.
Ancell H. Ball.President......Best & Company
Waldron P. Belknap..Vice-President Bankers Trust Co.
James G. Blaine, Jr...Vice-President New York Trust Co.
J. Howes Burton.........Burton Brothers
Clarkson Cowl..... President James A. Hearn & Son
Eliot Cross.Cross & Cross
Harris A. Dunn....Vice-President Irving Bank-Columbia Trust Co.
Douglas L. Elliman...........President.Douglas L. Elliman & Co., Inc.
Ezra H. Fitch.President.Abercrombia & Fitch Company
Michael Friedsam...President B. Altman & Company
A. V. Frost.Vice-President.....Black, Starr & Frost
Duncan G. Harris.........Vice-President, Brown, Wheelock, Harris, Vought & Co.
John A. Harriss, Capitalist
William W. Hoppin........Attorney-at-Law
Robert H. Koehler........Attorney-at-Law
Emil W. Kohn.Treasurer...Theodore A. Kohn & Son
James T. Lee..President.Shelton Holding Corporation
C. Stanley Mitchell.President Central Mercantile Bank
William J. Pedrick..Vice-President and General Manager The Fifth Avenue Association, Inc.
J. R. Pollock.....Assistant to General Commercial Manager New York Telephone Company
E. Clifford Potter....President Three-Seventy-Five...Park Avenue Corporation
Franklin Simon, President..Franklin Simon & Company
John Slater..Treasurer.......J. & J. Slater
John Sloane.President.......W. & J. Sloane
Walter Stabler,Comptroller Metropolitan Life Insurance Co.
Louis Stewart.Director
George W. Sweeney.Vice-President Hotel Commodore
Gage E. Tarbell, Real Estate
John H. Towne.Secretary Yale & Towne Manufacturing Co.
Wilson H. Tucker.......Director Lord & Taylor
I. M. Wheeler.President....C. G. Gunther's Sons
Arthur Williams...Vice-President Commercial Relations..New York Edison Company
Frederic T. Wood..........President.Fifth Avenue Coach Company

[[stamp]] [?]8 MAI 1926 [[handwritten check mark on date stamp]]

April 27, 1926
Re #6
Jacques Seligmann & Co. Inc.
705 Fifth Avenue
New York, N. Y.

Attention Mr. Germain Seligmann
I am pleased to learn that you have taken out membership in our Association, and I want you to know that we appreciate it very much indeed.
As this section grows there are many inroads and encroachments attempted to be made upon it, which are prevented because of the watchful eye of the of the Association's executive staff.
To give you a brief idea of the activities of this organization, I am enclosing herewith the April issue of our monthly Bulletin, which goes forward to our members.
Again thanking you for your application, as well as your check for $50 to cover one year's dues in the Association, and with the hope that you will remain with us as a member for a long time to come, I am
Very truly yours
[[handwritten signature of M. Friedsam]]
M. Friedsam

"To conserve the highest and best interests of the Fifth Avenue Section embracing Fifth, Madison, Park, Fourth Avenues and Intersecting Streets"

Transcription Notes:
In the date stamp, there is an incomplete number before the 8, I assume it is a 2, making the date 28 MAI, especially as the letter is written on 27 May. But as it is in-between options it is unclear. A [?] was used, but a notation should possibly be made that it is probably 28 MAI