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October 13, 1958

My dear Mrs. Fink,
Your letter of October 10th, addressed to Mrs. Parker has just been turned over to me, as well as a little while ago, your letter of August 14th.

Though my firm has always made it a point to be of help to art students and scholars, you must realize that answering the many questions you have put up to us represents a considerable amount of work, for the paintings and drawings you refer to have passed through our hands over a period extending beyond half a century.

Therefore before undertaking such time consuming research I would be obliged to know the type of publication you intend them for. For instance, is your work inspired by or for Harvard University or are you connected with any specific organization?

May I also calllyour attention to the fact that some of these works have been exhibited and reproduced so often that you should be able to gather yourself, without too many difficulties, some of the data at least, you require from my firm.

I feel certain that you will understand the true spirit of my answer,

Yours very sincerely,

Germain Seligman
Mrs. Nathan H. Fink
104 Clark Road
Brookline 46, Massachusetts