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RS January 14,1936 Mr. Edsel Ford 1100 Lake Shore Drive, Detroit, Michigan. Dear Mr.Ford: I learned with great pleasure that you had been yesterday to see our paintings at the Museum. The reason of this letter is to give you the particulars on three of the paintings which I am told, you liked. As the prices are very low I wonder, maybe, if you could not be interested in one of them. The Manet pastel, which is a portrait of Mrs. Claude Monet, whose husband was a great friend of Manet, is a picture which we bought last spring from Claude Monet's son. The price on it is $18,000 and as this picture compares very favorably to the two pastel portraits which were in the Havemeyer collection now belonging to Mrs. Watson Webb, you will agree that the price is very reasonable. The Olive Trees by VanGogh were priced at $16,500, and as it is a fine example of the Aries Period -and coming from the collection of the artist's sister-in-law, reproduced and cataloged in Lafaille, it is at such a reasonable price that I doubt that we will find again a picture of that quality at the same price. The Cezanne Landscape - though higher in price- we are asking $30,000 for it - is also comparatively very reasonable for a painting of such quality and importance. It was purchased two years ago when things were at their lowest from one of the Bernheim collections in Paris.