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November 17, 1927

Edsel B. Ford, Esq.,
Detroit, Mich.

Dear Mr. Ford, 

I quite realize how much you have been bothered by art dealers recently, but nevertheless, I am taking the liberty of sending you this letter, as we have just received something which we feel is worthy of your consideration.

It is this famous "Leslie Boy" by Sir Henry RAEBURN. This boy was the stepson of the artist and it is one of the rare children's portraits that the artist ever painted. It comes from the celebrated GLENCONNER Collection and was purchased by Sir Charles Tennant, the father of the present Lord GLENCONNER directly from the RAEBURN family.

It is remarkable in color, and it is recorded and described in every book on RAEBURN's work.

It would make an ideal companion to the RAEBURN which you purchased last year, and if you feel that you would care to see it, we will be very pleased to send it out to you, without any obligation to you whatsoever, and it is undoubtedly one of the greatest 18th century English paintings that has ever come to this country.

You probably do not remember me by name, but I might mention that I was introduced to you by Dr. Valentiner at the opening of the loan exhibition at the Detroit Museum last year.

Awaiting the favor of your reply, believe me to be

Yours very truly,