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November 24, 1925

Mr. Edsel B. Ford,
7930 Jefferson Avenue,
Detroit, Mich.

Dear Mr. Ford,

We would like to call your attention to a very fine painting by Sir Joshua Reynolds which we have just acquired.

It is another version of Lord Lansdowne's famous picture "Hope Nursing Love."  As compared with the Lansdowne painting,  ours has a delightful sketchy and spontaneous quality  to it,  which one rarely sees in Reynold's important works.

It comes from a  private collection in England, and it is is, undoubtedly , one of the most important 18th Century pictures which has come to America in recent years.  It is now in our New York galleries, and we would be pleased to show it to you at any time you could conveniently call.

If you feel that you would be at all interested in it, we would be pleased to send you further particulars upon hearing from you.
Hoping to be favored with your replay, we are

Yours very truly,


Transcription Notes:
I spaced and centered some lines and words as what they seemed to be in the original document, but I'm not sure if they are correct. I don't know if I have to put the extra spaces between some words or after or before come commas that look like they had an extra space, so the spacing and such could afford to be checked. Thank you!