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February 28th., 1947.

Dear Alfred:

Once more I take pleasure in following your kind suggestion of several months ago, that I post you from time to time on developments in, and the activities of my new Contemporary American Department.

I trust you will recall the Esther G. Rolick {underlined} exhibition which we held in January, and which was this twenty-four year old girl's first "one man" show.  The most recent news resulting from the exhibition by letter from Dr. Valentiner who tells me that the Los Angeles County Museum has decided to purchase Rolick's large upright painting "Sunlit Hallway-Yaddo".  You expressed such enthusiasm on seeing her work, I thought you would be glad to hear of this. 

Secondly, as you may have heard, we will open an exhibition entitled "UNDER 25" next Friday, the 7th. of March (through 27th).  Actually, this will be part I of a show of young people's work, this section being devoted to artists in New York, and Part II (June) being given over to young people in other sections of the country.

All of the work selected for the forthcoming exhibition has some element worthy of recognition, but probably four or five are truly extraordinary when one considers the age bracket - from 19-24.  Wall space has limited us to hanging, in most cases, of but one piece by each participant..however as far as our storage space allows we have extra work in reserve.  Many of the young men who will be represented, and several of the young women, have been in the Army or Navy and are continuing their art studied under the educational program of the "G.I. Bill of Rights" and it is most impressive to witness the seriousness with which they are taking advantage of the benefits - they, and the many others like them, will be able to contribute much to the cultural background of the country.

Among the artists-instructors who have recommended students for this project are Julian Levy, Will Barnett, Tamayo, Morris Kantor, Hans HOffman & Vytlacil.  {handwritten} in fact the majority of these younger artists were selected by well known artists.

In this its first year, the American Department, done a great deal of experimenting and weeding out, in order to select a group with which we will ultimately concern ourselves.

With personal regards,
Yours very sincerely,

Dr. Alfred M. Frankfurter,
The Art News,
136 E. 57th. St.,
New York 22, N.Y.     (Germain Seligman)