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August 24, 1926

Mr. Charles L. Fraser,
372 Lexington Ave.,
New York City,

Dear Mr. Fraser,
We are advised that the owner of this property has approved the alterations as shown by the set of seven blue prints which you provided. The only change not yet approved is the dormer windows and we expect to receive this shortly. We are, therefore, ready to go over the details and specifications of all this work with you and approve them in writing upon agreement.
In reference to the show window we have arranged to put in in the reception room on the ground floor, will it not be well to make the steel frame for said window square so as to leave the curved top of the window so that it could be opened slightly for ventilation of the room? We think that this room should be ventilated such as any other room, and this might be the best solution. Please advise us. 
As regards the speed of the new elevator which you mention, we presume that this speed is an ordinary speed, perhaps slightly in excess of the one of the elevator we had at 705 - 5th Ave. We would, of course, not have it too fast, although, it may be a little faster than the old one. 
We just received a wire from Mr. Seligmann stating that he will propose changes in the plans for the private stairs. 

Very truly yours.