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WJ  ES     March 14, 1928

The French Line
19 State Street
New York City,

Dear Sirs:  

We beg to confirm the conversation over the telephone of Mr. Hugo Rose with Mr. Lachesnez according to which you have reserved for our Mr. Germain Seligmann and Mile. Jacqueline Seligmann, the following two cabins on SS "Ile de France" selling March 29, 1929:
Cabin with bath, No. 451,
Cabin with bath, No. 469

for $435. each cabin, this being the price fixed by Mr. Lachesnez and since confirmed by us over the telephone to Mr. Belot.

There is, therefore, only the cabin for Miss Selgmann's maid for which we understand the price is $150.

We shall be obliged if you will confirm the above to us and also let us know the number of the cabin reserved for the maid.

Very truly yours,



P.S. We understand that these cabins are reserved entirely for their own personal use.