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Chez Madame Alphonse Weil
133, Avenue de Malakoff
Paris 16e
May 21, 1972

Mr. and Mrs. Germain Seligman
Hotel Ritz 
15, Place Vendome
Paris 1er

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Seligman,

Thank you so much for the two most delightful hours I have had since I arrived in Paris on April 10.  It is always a joy for me to speak about Jean-Claude Duplessis, my favorite topic of conversation, especially with you, because, as you can well imagine, the number of people with whom I can talk about this artist is exceedingly small.

The two references I promised I'd give you are:

Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature
(Fondation Sommer)
Hotel Guénégaud
60, rue des Archives
Paris 3e
Tel.: 508.99.68
Open every day except Tuesday from 10 A.M. to 5 P.M.


Bernaud, Germaine.  Guide des musées de Paris.  Paris:  Arts et Métiers Graphiques, 1968.

The latter is four years old but still very much up to date nevertheless.  It can be purchased at the sales desks of almost any museum here and is well worth its small cost.  I bought my copy at Wittenborn in New York for $1.25 a couple of years ago.

À propos of the Meissonier tureens which were made for the Duke of Kingston in 1735 and which were in the Polovtsoff sale in 1909, I don't recall offhand the price they fetched, which must have been considerable, but I do know that they were bought by none other than Jacques Seligmann, which, I suppose, is not at all surprising.  I wish I had remembered that yesterday.

Again, many thanks for your kind hospitality.  With all good wishes and best regards, I remain

Yours sincerely,

Ronald Freyberger
Ronald Freyberger