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NEW YORK, N.Y. 10471

January 21st, 1973

Mr. Germain Seligman
5 East 57th Street
New York, N.Y. 10022

Dear Mr. Seligman, 

I am taking the liberty of writing to you at this time, because I should like to refer to the conversation we had in your office a few weeks ago regarding the letter of recommendation to the Kress Foundation that you so graciously consented to write for me. 

When we last spoke together about this matter, I believe you suggested that I write a sample letter for you containing the information that I think would interest you, I hope you will agree with me when I say that I don't think this would be advisable. What I shall do instead, if I may, is mention briefly, and in a general way, the sort of things that usually are included in this type of letter of recommendation and which you might want to use as a guide in composing your letter.

You might want to mention how long you have known me (since 1966) and under what circumstances you have known me. You might want to mention what you know of my qualifications for a grant from the Kress Foundation and whether or not you think I am worthy of such a grant. You may wish to mention what you know of my work on Jean-Claude Duplessis; whether or not you think I am capable of carrying on research on this project; whether or not you feel this project is worth being supported by the Kress Foundation and whether or not you feel it may result in a significant contribution to knowledge in general and/or to art historical scholarship in particular. If you feel you know something of my ability to carry on independent inquiry and of my perseverance in such matters, it might be worthwhile mentioning that too. Finally, you may wish to mention what you know regarding my knowledge of art history, or more specifically, my knowledge of eighteenth century French decorative arts.

I hope these suggestions are of some help to you. To aid you further I have enclosed a resume that outlines my background and another copy of my dissertation proposal with which you are already familiar. If there is any further way in which I may be able to help you, please feel free to contact me, as I would be delighted to meet with you at any time to discuss this or any other matter. 
