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Mrs. L. Frohlich
01-435 4536.
Sept. 5, 1972

Dear Mr. Seligman,
I suppose you have seen L'Oeil", Juin-Juillet 1972, with Mme Beguin's publication of works of the Ecole de Fontainebleau. An old friend and collector wrote to me asking to find out wether the drawing of the Maitre de Flore "Cephalus and Procris", on p. 17 would be availible. Does it belong to your private collection or to your firm? Please, let me know and if you sell it, please, mention the price.
I dont know wether you know my publication of your drawing and the painting of the "Birth of Eros", now in the Metropolitan Museum, in the shortlived Viennese Art Magazine "Belvedere" III. I dont have the date of the issue.

I have to hear from you and I am with kindest regards
Yours sincerely
Lili Frohlich