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All money letters, and letters concerning packages of clothing, &c., should be addressed to W.E. Whiting, 53 John Street, New-York.  

American Missionary Association
No. 53 John Street,
New York, 26th Sept. 1866

Rev. Geo. Whipple,} Secs
Rev. Al E. Strakby } Secs
W.E. Whiting, Asst. Treas.

Revd G.L. Eberhart
Augusta, Geo.

Dear Sir,
Yours of the 22d is received, I am very much obliged to you for writing me so frankly in relation to the ladies in question.

In regard to Miss F, I have my doubts about her going back. The thing was left rather in the hands of Mr. Magill & Dr. Forrest her patrons; & as they have not reported their wishes, I am rather of the opinion that the latter does not see but to retain her under his patronage. We certainly shall not be disposed to 
recommission her, if he does not request it. The matter is encompassed with difficulties, if we do, or do not, commission her. I am disposed to think that [[strikethrough]] it is [[/strikethrough]] so late in the season, that we can absolve ourselves from the charges of implied censure if we do not reappoint her. 

In regard to Miss [[Noemer?]] I am with you, that it would be better for her not to remain in A. But how to remove her without offence or exciting suspicion is a more difficult point. They need more teachers at Atlanta or Macon & Mr. Cravath at Cincinnati might be glad to have our furnished for Augusta. At any