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E 130, Vol. 2 - O.A.C. 1867.
L. R. 64 O.S.E Vol 1
Savannah Ga Jan 18th 1867

[[stamp]] The National Archives of the United States [[/stamp]] 

Eberhart G. L.
State Supt. Ed. for. Ga. 

Transmits information what white boys are in the habit of stoning Colored Children attending Campbell School, particular attention called to a family named Green living opposite our school

E 1867

Office A. Com'r Bureau R. F. & A. L.
Savannah, Ga., Feb'y 19, 1867.

Respectfully referred to His Honor, the Mayor, & with the request [[?]] steps may be taken to put a stop to the annoyance complained of.

By Command of Bt. Maj. Gen. Tillson, 
Eugene Pickett. 
Capt. & A. A. A. G.

E. & M. 81, Vol. 2. }

Mayors Office C S.
January 21st 1867

Respectfully returned to Capt. Eugene. Pickett AAG with the information that a policeman has been detailed, specially for the purposes of preventing any repetition of the alledged [[?]] conduct complained of in the within communication

and the Mayor desires that in relation to the "Green family" complained of if evidence is produced, the party or parties will be tried before the Police Court and if guilty will be punished to the extent of the law.

By Order of Edwd C. Anderson Mayor.
Jas Stewart
[[Clk?]] Council

Office A. Com'r Bureau R. F. & A. L.
Savannah, Ga., Jan'y 25, 1867.

Respectfully returned to Mr. G. L. Eberhart, State Sup't Ed. for Ga., whose attention is invited to Endorsement hereon of His Honor Mayor Anderson.

By Command of Col. C. C. Sibley,
Eugene Pickett
Capt. & A. A. A. G.

E. & M. 89, Vol. 2. }

Transcription Notes:
Edited: not Duke but Supt. for Superintendent, dont truncate words per SI, don't need to indicate font size per SI, don't need to do lines i.e, -------, its post civil war years 1967 not 1809, not a bohemian but a policeman, lots of changes and corrections