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Marshallville Jan 24th 1867

G.L. Eberhart 
State Supt Ed, Ga,
Bureau R.F. & A.L.

Dear Sir
you letter is before me asking me why I have not reported in regard to school, of or for Freedmens.
[[fold in scanned page illegible]] reports for last November & I think December there was but two regular Schools in my County last yeare. The no of pupils I think was about 40 or 50 I donot know of any School in County for freed people for the presant yeare but the freed people is trying in Some localitys to git up Schools for theair children & the white people Seam willing to assist them if tha git up Schools. I will report proptly being always willing to obeay orders from head quarters. I am Sir your obediant Serv't
Davis Gammage
agt RF&AL
Macon County Ga

P.S. Will use your Blanks when the Schools is Commenced  D.G.